Just landed...
"Back to my homelands, in from life in the East...
A Wonderful opportunity to bring my practice home.
With all the chaos of recent, never before has the importance
of our physical and mental health taken such centre stage!"
Tara O'Connell
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Naturopathic Medical Practitioner & Detoxification Specialist,
Master Level Neuro-Linguistic Coach & Practitioner.
Master Level TimeLIne Therapist,
Hypnotherapist Integrative Health.
International Medical & Holistic Coach & Trainer.
Founder: AcuVietnam training Academy.
About me...
A return to beautiful Ireland from the East, due to the Global Pandemic...
GIFTED a wonderful opportunity to bring home our proven-and-unique combination of specialised Healthcare practices, including powerful NLP and TLT Coaching therapies, right here into the heart of Leinster.
"Hey there,
I'm Tara, and I am originally from he Emerald Isle, an explorer and seeker by heart!
I feel deeply fortunate to have been exploring this incredible globe for more than 25 years, immersing myself in far-out world cultures and exploring life and traditional healthcare practices in diverse surroundings. In this time I have also undergone extensive trainings, including several years of studies within my field (s) of medicine, healthcare and wellness.
Through deep exploration of these methods:
I was able to create and run several local clinics in 3rd world regions for affordable and accessible healthcare.
Work in natural disasters treating up to 600 patients a day,
Experiment, undergo and discover some of the deepest detoxification application protocols in modern day.
I don't do things by half!
... I simply love to jump in deep, into new discoveries with child-like wonder...
for ABSOLUTE total immersion,
to really test my resilience, and further understand the power of the mind-body-healing. During this time I explored meditation and the martial arts, spending lengthy periods of time staying and learning in Buddhist, Taoist & Hindu temples throughout the East. I have undergone lengthy periods of complete Sensory deprivation and isolation for Mind-Body detox - to try to understand the minds power and depth, in a resurrected ancient practice in Western Asia.
All of this has gifted me the opportunities to explore deeper:
the power of mind-body connection in health and happiness - the core of a 5000 year old traditional medicine,
the cyclical flows of nature and her role in health, and our own balance,
the Neuro pathways of patterning in behaviour and poor thinking, that keeps us stuck in life, or making the same mistakes in life, over-and-over,
trauma disassociation,
how to work with PTSD, and so much more...
... And now, here, during these extraordinary times, I find myself back in my beautiful homelands with the opportunity to bring these powerful Clinical practices here to you!
These same methods that I have been both practicing in the East (& West) and also teaching Internationally to medical Drs and Healthcare specialists from across the globe, to implement into their clinical practice, for nearly a decade...
- now available in our clinic in beautiful Co.Kilkenny, Ireland.
A magical Silver lining during a unique and challenging time in our history.
Greatest of Warmest welcome to you..."

Our Focus at Hive of Health
We use a unique combination of skills from across the globe focused on Natural Healthcare, Traditional Medicine and Linguistic-behaviour analysis: Our primary focus at Hive of Health is to help return our patients to be the very best of self, in wholeness of Mind-Body.
With 100% Natural Treatments and Toxin free 21st Century integrative Healthcare.
At Hive of Health, partnered with AcuVietnam, we are delighted to bring you the very best that Traditional Medicine has to offer coming straight from the East - combined with Western Psycho-emotional therapies for a fully rounded clinic with a difference!!
Our Clinic provides a powerful combination of treatments from Neuro-linguistic therapies, to Nutrition & Holistic specialisations to the powerful application of some of the worlds best Traditional Medicine applications. By offering unique skills, talents and a wealth of experience we can help our patients to regain their health-life balance, and shine.
With HH (AV) you can trust that your health is in the right hands; having just returned to Ireland from living in the East for many years, Tara has been teaching and practicing throughout Asia and Europe for the bulk of the past decade - and is delighted to have the opportunity to practice in this beautiful community.
Bringing you FIRST class internationally recognised Traditional Medicine, Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine, Coaching, NLP all here at your fingertips...
SIMPLY get ready to regain your balance, nourish your soul, and let your true health and happiness shine through. ​​
HIVE OF HEALTH clinic focuses on delivering an integrative and patient-centred approach to preventative health and holistic medicine, by ensuring you receive the best of both conventional and alternative medical treatments.
Our team here and in the East, has undergone extensive and vigorous training in conventional, holistic and natural medicine across the globe; enabling us to better guide you through the challenging landscape found in the modern world today from daily stressors, illnesses and overall wellness.
We practice a fully-Integrative form of Medicine; where we give attention to all aspects of a person’s health, including:
Physical: Body
Psychological: Mind / well-being.
Spiritual: Personal awareness Inner observation (mindfulness). Happiness with life.
Social, economic, cultural factors.
The following therapies are incorporated into the clinical practice:
Traditional Chinese Medicine / Traditional Eastern Medicine.
Naturopathic Medicine.
Nutrition & Blood analysis (in East).
Cleansing & Detoxification.
Nero-Lingusitic Programming
Timeline Therapy for Emotional Freedom
Reiki healing.
Dien-Chan Facial Reflexology.
Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation.
Facial diagnostics.
​For full details on our therapies within the clinic. Please see here for more info.
We are deeply passionate about holistic healthcare for all.

Prac.Tara O'Connell
TCM Practitioner, Naturopath, Master Neurolinguistic Coach & Prac inc Timeline Therapy and Hypnotherapy.
International Coach & Trainer.
​AcuVietnam: Academy Founder
The Tech'y Stuff...
Traditional Eastern Medicine Practitioner, Trainer (Lic. Acu TCMCI/TVM - WHO).
International Licensed Acupuncturist (Lic.ACI-1616).
​Lic.Naturopathic Medical Practitioner: Lic.6254Y
​Lic. Detox Specialist: NADA Lic.2015036.
Special Adv Level: I-Ching-Ba Gua Balance (Dr Tan)
Cert Taoist Philosophy, I-Ching, Feng Shui - WuDang Mountains, China.
Cert in Face Reading & Diagnostics - D.Courtney.
Facial Rejuvenation with Acupuncture.
Certified Health & Wellness Coach:
Cert. Master Coach of NLP & Timeline Therapy. (Lic.American Board of NLP)
Master Practitioner of NLP & Timeline Therapy. (ABNLP)
Certified Hypnotherapist (IHA131)
Feng Shui Health & Diagnostics: 5-immortals, Wu Dang, China.
Dien Chan (Facial Reflexology) - 4 yrs Vietnam.
​Certified Reiki Practitioner.